Microbeam analysis — Electron probe microanalysis — Guidelines for the determination of experimental parameters for wavelength dispersive spectroscopy

ISO 14594:2014 gives the general guidelines for the determination of experimental parameters relating to the primary beam, the wavelength spectrometer, and the sample that need to be taken into account when carrying out electron probe microanalysis. It also defines procedures for the determination of beam current, current density, dead time, wavelength resolution, background, analysis area, analysis depth, and analysis volume. It is intended for the analysis of a well-polished sample using normal beam incidence, and the parameters obtained can only be indicative for other experimental conditions. It is not designed to be used for energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy.

Analyse par microfaisceaux — Analyse par microsonde électronique (Microsonde de Castaing) — Lignes directrices pour la détermination des paramètres expérimentaux pour la spectrométrie à dispersion de longueur d'onde

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ISO 14594:2014 - Microbeam analysis -- Electron probe microanalysis -- Guidelines for the determination of experimental parameters for wavelength dispersive spectroscopy
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18 pages
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Standards Content (Sample)

Second edition
Microbeam analysis — Electron
probe microanalysis — Guidelines for
the determination of experimental
parameters for wavelength dispersive
Analyse par microfaisceaux — Analyse par microsonde électronique
(Microsonde de Castaing) — Lignes directrices pour la détermination
des paramètres expérimentaux pour la spectrométrie à dispersion de
longueur d’onde
Reference number
ISO 14594:2014(E)
ISO 2014

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ISO 14594:2014(E)

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ii © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved

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ISO 14594:2014(E)

Contents Page
Foreword .iv
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Abbreviated terms . 2
5 Experimental parameters . 2
5.1 General . 2
5.2 Parameters related to the primary beam . 2
5.3 Parameters related to wavelength dispersive X-ray spectrometers . 3
5.4 Parameters related to the specimen . 4
6 Procedures and measurements . 5
6.1 General . 5
6.2 Beam current . 5
6.3 Parameters related to measured peaks . 6
6.4 Parameters related to the specimen . 8
7 Test report . 9
Annex A (informative) Methods of estimating analysis area .10
Annex B (informative) Methods of estimating analysis depth .12
Annex C (informative) Method of estimating X-ray analysis volume by applying the Monte Carlo
(MC) simulation .

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